Thursday, June 19, 2014

Robyn turned two!!

I found this checklist from when Oliver was two so I thought I'd do it for Robyn.

Yes! - Walks by him/herself
Yes! - Stands up from middle of floor without help
Yes! - Turns page of a cardboard book
Yes! - Shows a toy, body part, and/or clothing item when asked
Yes! - May say two or more words meaningfully and also uses gestures to communicate
Yes! - Jabbers expressively and imitates words inexactly
Yes! - Likes an audience; imitates ball play and other social games 
Yes! - Chews most foods well; may want to feed self with spoon and drink from cup, with many spills
Yes! - Walks up stairs with one hand held, and creeps backwards downstairs (she actually goes up and down on her feet)
Yes! - Likes to climb on, push and pull large objects or toys
Yes! - Stacks three or four objects (she can stack more than that)
Yes! - May say five to ten words
Yes! - Points to one or more pictures in a book on request
Yes! - Follows a series of directions, e.g., "pick up the book and bring it to me." (when she wants to)Yes! - Points to several body parts on self or doll (ALL of them!)Yes! - Uses spoon and cup with little spilling
Yes! - Places edibles in mouth
Yes! - Able to run
No - Begin jumping during play (she doesn't get her feet off the ground but she crouches down and pops up and says "JUMP!")
Yes! - Completes simple three piece puzzle
Yes! - Sometimes uses two-word sentence, e.g., "more juice" or "bye-bye mommy." (it's rare, she mostly uses one word and gestures. she does say "I need you" and "more, please")
Yes! - Imitates simple words immediately 
Yes! - Follows directions easily (when she wants to)Yes! - Occasionally plays near but not usually with other children (she plays with her brothers and other children. She's pretty social)
Yes! - Likes to help a parent - imitates household chores (she really likes helping with the dishes!)
Yes! - Can undress completely, except for fasteners (and often does. She likes being as naked as the day she was born!)
Yes! - Temper tantrums may begin because of strong need for independence (not terribly often because we allow a lot of independence. She's pretty easy going)

She's very friendly to just about everyone. She likes babies - real ones and dolls. She's gotten quite a collection of dolls and she carries them around giving them bottles and hugs and kisses and tucking them into bed. She gets along well with Oliver and Wyatt unless she's destroying their creations. 

She's super curious and wants to explore everything. She loves being outside. Her swing is her favorite but she also likes checking out the garden and riding her trike and car. 

There are very few things she won't eat. She still can't have dairy or apples because she's allergic but everything else gets gobbled up. Her favorites are grapes and oranges. She also especially likes "num  nums" - which is any kind of candy, cake, cookie or sweet treat. 

She went in a pool for the first time since she was itty bitty and she was fearless. She walked around in the 1.5 foot section trying to keep up with Oliver and Wyatt. She fell a couple times but she started to swim underwater like a frog until I stood her back up. After a while she got in a float and it was all over after that. There was no stopping her from going all over the place, walking along the bottom or kicking her little feet to swim into the deep. I was scared but she wasn't!!

So that's Robyn, the summary anyway. She's a sweet little girl.