Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Squirelly Gray

Yesterday we were outside enjoying the gorgeous weather. I was lounging under the shade of the tree. Wyatt was swinging on one side and Oliver was swinging on the other side. All of a sudden something caught my eye as it flew through the air. "Oliver, what was that?!" I asked, thinking he had thrown something. Wyatt replied "A RAT fell out of the tree!!!" I got up to investigate and no, it wasn't a rat. It was a baby squirrel.

 I called for Bob and he came out to check the baby to see if it was still alive. The boys ran inside to get a box and then they filled it with leaves. We put the baby in the box - it was so young it hadn't opened it's eyes yet. He cried for his mom and seemed fairly active so we left him in the box and went inside hoping the mama squirrel would come back. A few hours later he was still there so I warmed up a corn bag and put in under the leaves in his box. He was still there in the morning so I tried to feed him but he barely drank 10 drops of milk. I checked him out again afterward and his ankle seems to be broken. See in the picture above how his foot is facing the wrong way? Poor little guy! I called the wildlife rehabilitation number and they said they won't take injured animals. I called around to vets and finally found one that takes wild animals so we packed him up and took him over there. Wyatt named him Squirrelly Gray. Everyone was upset to leave him there but we talked about how the mom squirrel wouldn't take him back to the nest because he was hurt so someone had to take care of him. We imagined him getting better and being released into a big forest full of acorns and friendly squirrels for him to play with.

Robyn was very excited about the baby squirrel. She wanted to pet him and give him the milk. She was very sad when we had to leave him outside and even more sad when we left him at the vet's office. She is the queen of the squirrels so she has lots of squirrel friends. 

Friday, August 08, 2014

Back to school

Well, technically we never stop learning but the "official" school year is starting next month. I'm excited! Robyn is getting bigger so we can do more things and the boys really have their own interests. Oliver made a list of things he wants to learn this year:

Life cycle of the frog
How hot dogs are made
How motors work
How electricity is made
All about pigs
All about ducks

Wyatt hasn't made his list yet but we're going to work on that pretty soon. He's taken a break from tae kwon do but hopefully we'll be able to start that back up again soon. Oliver is showing some interest in 4H so I'm looking into that for him as well.

Robyn is all potty learned. She's starting to get colors and she's started counting, too. She can count one, two but then skips right to ten.

We're hoping to have a camping trip sometime in September but we'll see what happens!